Friday, 5 July 2013

Makeup haul, IMATS and some familiar YouTube ladies...

Attended IMATS with the gorge Nji and what a day it was.
Although it was a very long day, I'm glad we went. The bargains were great and it was nice meeting YTs that you watch online and actually interacting face to face.

Everyone was lovely and I'm defo looking forward to going back next year - but this time I'll be armed with a deck chair. loooool.

Enjoy the snaps and check out the vid below.

instagram: cherrimocha
Patricia, Sammi and I

With the beautiful Natalie

Was loving meeting other makeup and fashion lovers

Be sure to check out my vid and my YouTube channel

Some of my goodies from IMATS 


  1. oooh jealous you got to meet sammi!

    I went to imats too:



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