Saturday, 7 September 2013

Liebster Award...

Hey Loves,

So the lovely Olivia (Thanks again sweets) over at nominated me for a Liebster Award so here's my answers and at the end I'll tag some lovely fellow Blogger dolls to join in on the fun!

So, what are the Liebster awards...

To put it simply its a way of getting to know other bloggers and to gain recognition within the blogging community.
You answer the 11 questions via the person whom nominated you and then set 11 other bloggers questions you'd like them to answer :)

The official rules are as follows;

1.You must link back to the person who nominated you
2. You must answer the 11 questions that the person who nominated you asked.
3. Pick 11 other bloggers to answer your questions.
4. Create 11 new questions for them to answer
and finally...
5. Go to their blogs and notify them they have been nominated!


So here were the questions I was asked and my answers.

1.  What do you spend most of your money on? Clothes, shoes, accessories or food?
Most of my money goes on accessories followed closely by shoes. I love the fact that I don't have to try anything on, I know by holding up whatever jewellery piece has caught my eye that it will fit and I don't have to endure the lengthy task of entering the changing room! lol. That truly is a task and a half!

2. Summer Fashion or Winter? and why
I'd say AW for sure. I love rocking leather, faux fur and able to layer without boiling to death. LOL.

3. Fave place in the world and why?
"I LOVE NEW YORK" (said in a JayZ voice). What's there not to love about the big apple. I've been several times. I love the food, I love the malls. I especially love Queens in particular. Manhattens alright but I love grabbing a bargain!

4. What decade do you like? 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s or 90s?
This is a tricky one. But being born in the 80s and growing in the 90s, I'd say the 50s. The war would have just ended and I'd love to experience the changes in culture I've read about. I'd then get to experience the 60s, a time when my Nan came to London and obviously get to rock the fashion.

5. Fave designer?
Vivienne Westwood for her quirkiness.

6. Fave Brand?
Makeup - MAC and Sleek
Fashion - H&M and Zara

7. If you could interview anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be? (doesn't have to be fashion /beauty related)
Michael Jackson. My music idol. Grew up listening to him and being able to meet him face to face. Epic would be an understatement.

8. What fashion week do you prefer? LDN/MILAN/NY/PARIS
LDN - the best city ever!

9. If you had the opportunity to have either an unlimited number of bags or shoes which would you have?
Shoes. No brainer! lol

10. Do you remember an outfit that you used to love as a child - describe it...
My fave outfit from my childhood would be my NY baseball shirt and matching shorts with my LA Gear light up trainers! Owww! lol.

and last but not least...

11. What was the last exhibition you saw?
I love museums, and the last one I went too was the Geffrye Museum in Hackney.
Loved looking at the decor of homes throughout the decades.




1.  If you were trapped on an island what 3 Fashion/Beauty Items would you have to have with you?
2.  Which Celeb's style do you love and whose do you hate?
3.   What's your fave lippie?
4.   What's your fave perfume?
5.   What's your fave High St store and fave designer?
6.   What made you start blogging and what's the story behind your blog name?
7.   What fashion items/trends are you most looking forward to rocking this AW?
8.   What are, if any, goals you hope to achieve for 2014?
9.   Favourite blogger?
10. An outfit/trend you now question as to why you ever wore it, what was it?
11. Which celeb would you love to be for a day based on their style?

Can't wait to read your answers ladies! xxx

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